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Save the date for the WA Conferences

Published Mon 15 Apr 2019

Save the date for the WA Conferences
Saturday 27 July – WA Club Conference

The full schedule and registration will be released soon, but rest assured this will be a beneficial and informative day for people involved in all levels of our sport.
Hear what we have been up to, locally and nationally, receiving the latest information from Regional Manager Andy Fethers and Yachting WA President Rob Rooke.
The day will feature a keynote speaker, panel discussions and presentations from Government representatives, Club and Class Association representatives on a range of valuable topics. You will also have your chance to have a say in the direction of Australian Sailing, via a discussion opportunity.

Register here >>


Sunday 28 July – WA Instructor and Coach Conference

Stay tuned for the announcement of what is in stall for Australian Sailing Instructors and Coaches on Sunday the 28th of July. The morning will feature some engaging and topical presentations, with practical sessions scheduled after lunch.

This day also provides the opportunity to revalidate Instructor and Coach qualifications, as required every five years.

Register here>>
