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Victorian Covid Update - 22nd October 2021

Published Mon 25 Oct 2021

The Department of Health has provided an exemption for Outdoor community sport and vaccinations levels. Community Sport, defined as organised competitive sports with a membership, does not need patrons participating or facilitating community sport (e.g. players, coaches, volunteers) to be fully vaccinated to access the outdoor facility.

This exemption recognises that mixed-aged groups participate in community sport, and teams with players unable to be vaccinated should not be at a disadvantage if they aren’t old enough to be fully vaccinated.


Physical recreation workers and volunteers - still need to be fully vaccinated, the attached template has been provided to help you keep a record of volunteers and workers vaccinations. As stated previously you do not need to keep a record of their vaccination certificate but need to record you have sighted it.


Covid Check-in Marshalls

A COVID Check-in Marshal is an employee/volunteer responsible for ensuring each person who enters a venue that uses the Service Victoria QR code to check in on arrival (or an alternative record keeping method, where relevant). A covid check-in marshall can serve two roles at once, e.g. the instructor for the training program can also be responsible that everyone has checked in on arrival.

A Covid Check-in Marshell is required at all physical recreation facilities.


Metro Melbourne

  • No restriction on travel within Metro Melbourne
  • Members of metro Melbourne clubs are allowed to access toilets. Change rooms are to remain closed.
  • Training Courses can resume (learn to sail programs, e.g. Tackers, OutThere, Discover Sailing programs)
  • Training courses
    • Limited to the number required to participate (one parent/guardian may stay to supervise)
    • Training should only be open to members of your club (no come and try programs)
    • Must only use outdoor facilities (no indoor training allowed)
  • Members can access equipment from the sheds. In and out, only therequired people to get the equipment may enter
  • Outdoor only, DQ4, 50 cap
  • Club Racing Not Permitted

Regional Victoria

  • Outdoors DQ2 and 100 cap (non – vaccinated people can participate)
  • Indoors DQ4
    1. Fully Vaccinated 30 Cap per space
    2. Vaccine Status unknown 10 cap per space
  • Community sport: indoors and outdoors, training only—the minimum number required for the sport.
  • Club Racing Not Permitted

The Department of Health has created a page with posters to display at your club and guidelines to support business.

We are expecting to reach 80% double vaccinated by the 31st of October.


Further queries - Contact Australian Sailing's Victorian Regional Manager Meaghan Densley via
