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The Inaugural ‘Clermont Outback Regatta’ in Central Queensland

Published Wed 16 Aug 2023

The Clermont Outback Regatta was an incredible event that has shown what can be achieved when a small group of motivated and like-minded people get together and collaborate, on what may have appeared to be an outlandish idea at first.

In August 2021, the Clermont Community Business Group (CCBG) dreamt of having a sailing event on their local Theresa Creek Dam, with their goal of  ‘opening up the location to a new cohort of people that would otherwise never experience the beauty and wonder’ of the area. An ambitious idea when your waterway is 420 kilometres from the coast.

The CCBG partnered with the Theresa Creek Watersports Club (TCWSC), whose primary sport is water skiing, and formed a working group to progress the concept. The group then called on Australian Sailing for some guidance on what a sailing event might look like. It was suggested to approach the established sailing clubs on the Capricornia Coast for some support.

This is where Keppel Bay Sailing Club (KBSC) joined the group and without hesitation formed a very enthusiastic and professional team to help. The KBSC team then embarked on a five-hour drive to meet with the crew from CCBG and TCWSC. It was concluded that the beautiful Theresa Creek Dam was beyond suitable for a regatta. It was in fact an ideal location, with its easy water access, great camping facilities, a significant club house and extraordinarily picturesque surroundings. The three parties immediately gelled, and event planning was underway.

Fast forward to August 2023, the Clermont Outback Regatta became a reality. Representatives from all parties converged on the Theresa Creek Dam the day before the event to set up what should be a unique two-day event, that KBSC saw as a fantastic ‘opportunity to bring sailing to the bush’. Australian Sailing representative, Grant Willmott, was in attendance. Grant admits to have been ‘a little nervous’ questioning ‘would it all come together? Given the remote location, would those registered turn up?’. The plan was to offer a sailing and boating experience to the children and youth from the surrounding towns across the two mornings, with racing taking place in the afternoons and a marathon to close out the event.

What transpired was truly brilliant. ‘People travelled far and wide’ said CCBG. Both mornings saw thirty children and their families arrive early, with dozens of interested people lining the shores from many vantage points throughout the rest of the day. The gentle breeze arrived on cue and the beaming sun burnt off the morning chill. The Tackers children, many of whom had never stepped into any type of watercraft, sailed around set marks close to shore with reassuring support from the very capable young instructor team from KBSC. The shrieks of excitement and laughter would have been heard from town. The youth were treated to a range of activities including sailing in Arrows, Impulses, Lasers, Sharpies or driving a rib. ‘Over the course of two days, 59 country juniors and youths were introduced to their first taste of sailing’ says KBSC. It was hard to tell who was having the most fun with groups on the shore beaming as much as the children. A heartwarming image to see sailing provide so much enjoyment, bringing the local community together.

The afternoon racing was held in generally light wind conditions with all the trickery and entertainment that inland sailing provides. It was not unusual to see large variables across the course both in wind strength and direction which tested the skills and patience of all competitors, resulting in regular changes in positions in the fleet. Those keeping their eyes wide open across the course generally had the best results. This made for some great stories of brilliance and disaster around the huge campfires after racing.


The light wind made for a short ‘marathon’ to close out the second day mid-afternoon, giving time for an excellent presentation and pack up for the long trip home. Having had a fabulous weekend, everyone travelled home already eager to return next year. The combined team established a new event that will hopefully grow as the word spreads. Certainly, the organisers were all thrilled with the event and the ‘overwhelmingly positive’ feedback they have received. The team have all voiced their intention and excitement to repeat the Regatta in 2024.

This event was an extraordinary success from everyone’s perspective, the teamwork and collaboration between CCBG, TCWSC & KBSC led to the creation of a fantastic sailing event that will hopefully continue for years to come. Congratulations are well deserved for the CCBG, TCWSC and especially KBSC, who provided a great deal of organisation, coordination and logistical support rolling out their ‘mobile sailing club’. Their instructors and volunteers are such a great asset to the sport. The CCBG are very grateful to the KBSC and would also like to acknowledge the support of their sponsors and helpers listed below.

Isacc Regional Council, Bravus Mining, Glencore’s Clermont Coal, Mackay Sailing club, Clermont Men’s Shed, and finally the TCD kiosk staff.
