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Tevake II crew honour Angus and Holly in the 2021 Port Fairy Yacht Race

Published Fri 09 Apr 2021

It’s great to see TEVAKE II back in an ocean race, sailed by TEVAKE II family in honour of owner/skipper Angus Fletcher. The crew of Tevake II are seasoned sailors although this race to Port Fairy has mixed feelings for them all, the first race since the passing of Angus.

“We had planned the HBYC Sea Pilots race to be the celebratory race for Angus but that was cancelled with the recent Covid – 19 lockdown. Both Angus and Holly treated us as family and it wasn’t easy getting on board as crew with Tevake II,” said Paul Neilson, skipper of Tevake II for the 2021 Port Fairy Race.

“You needed some experience but if you showed a willingness to learn and have a go, you’d be given a start”.

Paul went onto to say “we just love the Port Fairy race” recounting when in many races to Port Fairy on Tevake I, they would battle against Barcardi, often finishing within seconds of each other. “If one was leading down the coast from the start, the other would take over as we rounded Cape Otway with a reach or run to the finish.” “For this race, we’re hoping the breeze builds a little earlier as the predicted light conditions at the start will favour Carrera S and Maverick”. “Whilst it may not be the race ideal of Tevake II, that won’t stop the Tevake II crew putting in their best efforts.”

“On the travel to Queenscliff, we’ve chattered about how different it feels without Angus onboard,” said Craig Jackson as regular both on Tevake 1 and II. “Normally Angus would be down here, checking and planning the navigation, so I do feel a little strange that it’s me this time” explained Andrew Hesselmans.

If you look at the crew, we’re all pretty close and sailed many a campaign either Tevake I or Tevake II. The skipper Paul Neilson is an experienced ocean campaigner and stalwart on both boats. “It was pretty special to sail in 1999 with my Dad and take out the Rudder Cup on Deja Blue and then 20 years later to win it again with Angus on Tevake II”.

Watch captain, Andrew Hesselmans first sailed as they were short-handed at Airlie in 2014 and went onto completing the Sydney to Southport, Magnetic Island, Airlie Beach, two Melbourne to Hobarts, two King Islands and was part of the winning team on the Melbourne to Devonport in 2019. Andrew commented, “it’s pretty special that Angus had trust in us to deliver the boat for many races without him.”

The second watch captain Tim Ford possibly more well known on ‘Spirit of Downunder’ a regular with ORCV and Melbourne to Osaka, and has also joined the Tevake II crew for many Queensland races and a Melbourne to Vanuatu.

On the foredeck, you will find Rod Langham over the years as Tevake II sailed down the West Coast to Hobart and is found hanging out there on the bow in most Tevake II races.

Doug White, Garry Cook and Craig Jackson have all competed many races on Tevake II and with a smile and grin, they go onto to say “it’s great to have Tony Green join us for his first ocean race.”

Paul goes onto to say “Port Fairy when you arrive into the Moyne River, it’s out of a movie, so picturesque and the hospitality of the Port Fairy Yacht Club is so welcoming and worth the trip.”

In all, a pretty experienced crew, all looking forward to working Tevake II hard, to achieve the best result possible for Angus, and his wife Holly.

You can follow the Tevake II crew and the other boats competing in this year's Port Fairy race here

The late Angus Fletcher skippered TEVAKE and TEVAKE II over many years and was a fierce competitor with the ORCV, and past Commodore.
