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Tackers - Why games are important

Published Mon 21 Nov 2022

Why bring games and play into learning? We often think of play as something children do outside of the formal learning environment, just for fun. However, the use of games in learning to sail, is a valuable activity, children of all ages have better engagement, better retention, and learn quicker. 

Play is serious stuff for kids 

Games are a fantastic tool for instructors to use to aid learning at any age, but they are particularly important for young sailors. Play lets children practise what they know, and what they don’t. It allows them to experiment through trial and error, find solutions to problems, work out the best strategies, and build new confidence and skills.  

As adults teaching sailing, it can be easy to forget the value of play. We often think play is not an effective use of time, and children should be doing some ‘proper’ learning instead. However, through play, children develop thinking skills and abilities that help them to succeed in building and refining skills and knowledge. The balance of enjoyment and challenge makes games such amazing tools for learning. 

There are many different types of games, and some are better for learning than others. A good educational game needs to be ‘authentic’ and connected to what sailors need to do in real-life situations to help solve real problems. 

Below are a few simple game suggestions that you may wish to consider this season at your club or Discover Sailing Centre: 

Stuck in the Sand - Tackers level 2 or 3: 

A substantially sized square area is mapped out using buoys, and all boats must remain within this box for the entirety of the game.  

The instructor taps the mast of a boat, and once this occurs, the skipper of the boat must heave to, and yell “I’m stuck, I’m stuck, Get me out of this muck!.”  

After this point, the ‘stuck’ boat may not move until his/her boat is touched by another sailor. The aim is for the instructor to have all the boats heaved to, and ‘stuck in the sand.’  

The primary learning objective of this game is the heave-to manoeuvre. It also works very well in establishing friendships within the group.  

Boat Soccer - Tackers level 2 or 3: 

In teams, tackers need to use their steering skills score themselves a ‘goal.’  

Kiss The Mark - Tackers level 2: 

Tackers are required to keep the bow of their boat within 30 centimetres of the buoy. The tacker who can keep their boat stationary for the longest is the winner.  

For more resources and activity ideas for teaching sailing, check out the instructor resources pages here  

