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SportWest COVID Update - 4th February 2022

Published Tue 08 Feb 2022

This weekend will mark the first time that proof of vaccination requirements are in play.

Generally speaking, community sport is excluded from Proof of Vaccination requirements however, sport will need to comply with the requirements in the certain circumstances.

SportWest understands this weekend, and the next few, may present challenges for administrators, volunteers, spectators and participants in community sport as we all get use to these requirements. 

Our key messages is please be kind to our hard-working community sport volunteers and staff, they don't make the rules, they are simply trying to follow the rules in place to keep WA safe.

There is a very good article online which presents some practical tips for managing proof of vaccination requirements, which could be useful to share with staff and volunteers who will be working in areas affected by the proof of vaccination requirements. 

Read Practical tips for managing proof of vaccination requirements

Below are some of the FAQs which relate to sport. 

Can I purchase takeaway food or drinks without showing proof of vaccination? 

Yes. You are not required to show proof of vaccination if you are purchasing food and non-alcoholic beverage takeaway. Roadhouses and service stations will also not require proof of vaccination. 

What happens if someone refuses to show proof of vaccination? 

Venues must take reasonable steps to ensure patrons do not remain at the premises without producing this proof. There may be penalties for venues and/or patrons who do not meet these requirements. Reasonable steps may include, but are not limited to:

  • Signage at physical premises to inform patrons that proof of vaccination is required for entry.
  • Information and reminders on business websites, social media, and ticketing or booking sites that proof of vaccination required.
  • Informing workers of their obligations to check proof of COVID-19 vaccination status/valid medical exemption) and what to do if someone refuses or is not vaccinated.
  • Using existing security measures to do random checks of patrons.
  • Where there is existing managed entry i.e. nightclub, adequate resourcing at entry points to ensure proof of vaccination is checked.
  • Where there is no existing managed entry i.e. café or pub, vaccination certification is checked as soon as reasonable for example at the point of service. 

Does community sport require proof of vaccination?  

No, community sport does not require proof of vaccination, regardless of where it is held.

Community sport means organised, community-based team or individual amateur sport played or participated in without payment but does not include activities in the nature of an exercise class which requires payment or a ticket or other form of registration to participate. 

Do I have to show proof of vaccination if I am just playing sport on an area that is covered by the liquor license? For example, are golf courses and lawn bowls greens captured under proof of vaccination requirements?  

Proof of vaccination applies to the part of a business where alcohol is supplied i.e. proof of vaccination applies to the part of the venue where alcohol is sold and consumed.

If, for example, alcohol is served and consumed throughout both a restaurant and an associated playing field or golf green – proof of vaccination would apply throughout. If alcohol was only supplied within a club, proof of vaccination would apply in that location only.

Would a large multi-faceted indoor venue (e.g. recreation centre with community sport courts, gym, swimming pool and playgroup) be captured?  

Proof of vaccination would apply to the areas included in the proof of vaccination policy, including the gym, or rooms/spaces where group fitness occurs indoors. 

A basketball court where community sport is being played would not require proof of vaccination, but if the basketball court was instead being used for a fitness class, then proof of vaccination would apply.

In the scenario where at the same time, a recreation centre had an area where community sport was being undertaken and in another area a fitness class was being undertaken, then proof of vaccination would only apply to the area where the fitness class was being undertaken.

Are regular weekly training sessions or weekend sporting fixtures considered an event, for the purposes of proof of vaccination? 

No, community sport is not included.

Do spectators and participants at fun runs and similar outdoor sporting events need to be vaccinated?

Outdoor events generally are not captured under the proof of vaccination policy unless considered a high risk event.

Participants and spectators at fun runs and similar outdoor events (e.g. outdoor swimming races, triathlons, surf tournaments, rowing carnivals and similar sporting events) will only be required to show proof of vaccination if these events are classified as specified high risk events to which the proof of vaccination policy applies.

Do local clubs with no hospitality or alcohol component require proof of vaccination for members? What if there is a bar but it only operates on weekends?

Local clubs that do not have a hospitality or alcohol component do not require proof of vaccination for their normal activities. If the bar or seated hospitality only operates on certain days, the proof of vaccination requirement will only apply to the venue when the bar or hospitality is operating.

View all of the State Government's FAQs via
