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Sport AUS - Sport Governance Framework

Published Tue 28 Jul 2020

On behalf of the Australian Sports Commission Chair John Wylie AM, fellow Commissioners and Sport Australia Acting CEO, Robert Dalton, you are invited to the virtual launch of the new Sport Governance Framework, incorporating the evolved Sport Governance Principles. The evolved Sport Governance Principles are a direct result of 12 months of whole of sector engagement and co-design.

These events will bring together NSO and SSO Directors, sport administrators and volunteers from across the country. Each of the events will have a special panel of guests, specific to the host state. The panel members will bring to life their sport governance experiences, their reflection on the evolution of the Sport Governance Principles, and answer questions via a live Q&A session.

Should you not be able to make your own state launch or have an interest in another date and time, we encourage you to attend the event that best suits your availability.

Please confirm you interest in attending the event and to get further information by emailing the Sport Governance & Strategy team
