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Speak Up

Published Fri 01 Nov 2019

Speak now or forever hold your life preserver. The WA government through the Department of Transport are after your comment. This follows careful consideration of 1,200 submissions received in response to an initial discussion paper released in March 2017. They have now released the Recreational Vessel Safety Equipment Review Position Paper outlining specific proposed changes.


The aim of the review is to deliver a contemporary safety equipment regime for recreational vessels in WA as boating and community behaviours, technology, vessel design and construction standards have changed significantly in the past 27 years.

DoT convened an external reference group representing key industry and boating community organisations to guide the review process which has included two rounds of consultation with the wider community.

As the review enters its final feedback round, they are encouraging all of us who regularly get out on the water to get involved and have your say. Search Safety Equipment Review on the website. Survey closes November 22nd.
