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Small actions can make big change in club participation

Published Mon 16 May 2022

It would be hard to disagree that we all share a common goal; more people on the water , in more ways, more often, whether you’re a Club, a Class Association or as the National Sport Organisation for Sailing.  

The Club Participation Programs (Green, Intermediate & Advanced Fleet) coming to clubs and class associations aim to achieve this goal, by assisting volunteers and coaches in providing programs and the supporting resources and training for members to enjoy sailing for longer or life! The programs are flexible, fun and accessible for the individual, and for the coach to deliver.  From winter 2022 the development work that has been guided and tested by the National Club Pathway Working Group (NCPWG) will be released in stages making it easier to grow and deliver sustainable programs. 

Right now, to ensure the Club Participation Programs meet the expectations of sailors and volunteers, Australian Sailing is collaborating 1:1 with 15 clubs around the country, assisting volunteer committees to map out their participation goals, and guiding actions. The Clubs generosity in sharing their vision, intentions and conversations are of significant value to help all clubs, and we thank the clubs who accepted the invitation from the EOI in February.  

Underpinning the Club 1:1’s and the work already achieved with the NCPWG are the resources and training, designed for club use, in a way that season on season clubs can incrementally make changes of improvement in on water participation. The priorities of resource development were identified by the NCPWG, and they come to clubs as phase one completion of Club Participation Program (formally named Club Pathway).

Whether you’re a small or large club, run by volunteers, or staff, committees and workforce are encouraged to begin their vision and actions now for next summer and the one after that. 


What small actions could your Club or Class take right now to progress participation?  

Come together as a group, set aside 1-2hours and determine: 

  1. What is our Club Participation vision – Where do you want to be in 4 years? 

  1. Where are we at now? 

  1. What are 3 actions your Club / Class can take in the next month to step towards our club participation vision? 


*Australian Sailing participation planning tool/s are currently being finalised with 1:1 club; a Club Participation Planning Question resource, and Participation Planning Tool. If you are seeking to begin the work now, and would like the draft documents, please contact: 

Sarah Ogilvie, Head of Sport Development and Growth: 
