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Release of Race Officer Training

Published Tue 14 Mar 2023

AS are pleased to announce the release of Race Officer training for club and class volunteers.

The Race Officer Accreditation framework is now updated. One purpose of this new update was to provide accessible training for entry level Race Officers. The entry level courses will greatly support club and class volunteers to get into officiating and understanding their roles on the water. There are three free e-learning courses:

  • Mark Layer (available now)
  • Committee Finish Boat (available now)
  • Scorer Handicapper (coming soon)

Getting involved in officiating has never been easier or so well supported. We recommend people can get involved in the learning in two ways:

  • Self- paced learning at home
  • Attending a club organised/facilitated ‘e-learning workshop’; where together club volunteers can complete courses in a workshop environment. Additionally following the e-learning workshop a practical session could be a next step. (*Note: each individual at your club e-learning workshop would need their own device to login and complete the course to gain certification.

To access AS free e-learning courses simple register and login via the learning portal here.

For further details (Including policy) for Race Officer accreditation/reaccreditation will be found on the AS website here.
