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Queensland getting back up and OutThereSailing

Published Wed 17 Jun 2020

Humpybong Yacht Club is all set to be the first Queensland club back OutThere Sailing!

Following a tumultuous couple of months, it is incredibly exciting for clubs all around Australia to be getting back out on the water. OutThere Sailing programs are created for teenagers to get out in nature and have fun with their mates – no competition involved. Following on from being in lockdown for quite some time, this is a perfect way for teenagers to get back outdoors and enjoying nature and adventure.

Excitingly, this will be Humpybong Yacht Clubs first OutThere Sailing experience, as they unfortunately had to cancel their first one due to COVID-19. There will still be various restrictions in place such as smaller group numbers, and social distancing involved – but just being able to get back outside and having fun is sure to brighten both the participants and instructors day.

This return to normal is incredibly exciting, and we can’t wait to see clubs getting back to doing what they love – and all participants and members getting back out on boats!