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Queensland adopts a new Club Fee Structure and Constitution

Published Wed 07 Aug 2019

On Sunday 21st July 2019, during the 2019 Clubs Conference hosted at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, Yachting Queensland conducted a General Meeting with two very big key agenda items. To change the Club Affiliation Fee System and to adopt a new Constitution.


Pleasingly, with close to 50 representative in the room and a poll conducted for each motion the meeting resulted in the new national Club affiliation system being adopted by Queensland Clubs and the approval of a new Constitution for Yachting Queensland.


The results of the meeting can be read in the minuets that can be found here – Minutes of General Meeting.


A copy of the new Yachting Queensland constitution can be found here – link to Constitution.

The explanation document on how the new club affiliation system works, can be found at this link - An Equitable Approach to Club Levies.

If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to Ben Callard at or contact the Queensland office on 3393 6788.
