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Planning, scheduling, and setting up Foil-Labs this season at your club

Published Thu 01 Sep 2022

The sailing season for most clubs is almost here, and if your club has not already, now is the time for clubs and their committees to plan and prepare the programs and activities they will deliver this season.  

If your club is wanting to foster the development of foiling classes and get more people involved with this exciting new aspect of sailing, the first stage is to deliver Foil-Labs at your club. A Foil-Lab is the first step on the foiling journey for any sailor, windsurfer, wingsurfer or kiteboarder who wants to experience foiling.

What is a Foil-Lab? 

Foil-Labs are a one-day introductory session, delivered by an accredited Foil-Lab coach, they focus on the fundamental skills required to begin foiling and assists participants to understand what is happening with the foil below the surface of the water, and the vital role of the body in controlling it. Foil-Labs are delivered with a short hour-long theory session first, which is vital before progressing to the on-water familiarisation utilising foiling equipment and a Rib.  

A Foil-Lab is relevant no matter which foiling class a sailor chooses (Wind-Foil, Wing-Foil, Kite-Foil Sail-Foil) and offer a continuation of learning and improvement, providing retention opportunities to progress from traditional boat or board classes, into any foiling class.  

Foil-Labs are available now for clubs to deliver to members this season, they can be set up in your clubs revSPORT portal, the same way you would set up other events or courses at your club. You will see the course templates available in the dropdown list within the events section. 


There are no fees for affiliated clubs to use REVsport to set up, and deliver Foil-Labs, and by setting up the programs in your REVsport portal, you will reduce the administration burden of volunteers or staff at your club and be able to track participation and retention of members. 

Once set up, members and participants can register for your Foil-Labs, and you can track attendance, assign coaches, communicate with those registered, and reward the participants at the conclusion of the program with completion certificates.  

Australian Sailing has been delivering Foil-Lab coach training throughout the winter months in all States to upskill coaches and provide clubs with the resources to offer Foil-Labs to their members, in addition, we aim to have a national agreement in place with a foiling equipment partner to provide affordable equipment available for clubs to access, by the start of the summer. Many clubs have already begun to purchase club owned equipment which is highly suitable for the delivery of Foil-Labs.  

What is the progression after a Foil-Lab?  

As part of the recently released Club Participation Programs, Australian Sailing is developing a suite of coaching programs and supporting resources for clubs and their coaches to deliver the ongoing development of foiling for participants and clubs, from Foil-Labs through to their chosen foiling discipline and into club racing, in either Wind-Foil, Kite-Foil, Sail-Foil or Wing-Foil classes.  

The coaching programs will be structured as development appropriate stages for each discipline, ranging from a transition program, through to green-fleet, intermediate-fleet and advanced-fleet offerings and will be available for all coaches to access this summer.

Foiling is one of many ways in which to help grow the sport of sailing, by increasing and diversifying the offerings of clubs, growing participation options, providing retention opportunity for members and inspiring coaches.  

A Standard Operating Procedure template for clubs to amend to suit their own environment and specifics can be downloaded here to assist with delivering Foil-Labs at your club. 

To set up Foil-Labs follow the steps detailed in the support guide here or contact your local Club Support Officer if you require further support or information. 


The development of the Australian Sailing Foiling Program is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.
