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NSW Maritime Incident Reporting

Published Thu 10 Mar 2022

When a marine accident occurs in connection with a vessel, the master of that vessel (and the owner of the vessel if aware of the accident) must send a report to Transport for NSW containing particulars of the accident as soon as practicable by the quickest means available. 

  • Failure to comply with this requirement is an offence.
  • Transport for NSW may contact you for further information to determine whether an investigation into the marine accident is required. If contacted, you are obliged to provide details as requested to the best of your knowledge. 

When to report an incident

  • The skipper of each vessel involved must submit a Vessel Incident Report if:
  • a person is killed or injured
  • there's more than $5000 worth of damage to a vessel or other property, or
  • there's damage or a risk of damage to the environment.

How to submit a report

You do not need to submit a report if you gave these details to authorised officers at the incident. 
Find more information on maritime reporting here.

What does Maritime do with your report?
Maritime may conduct an investigation see more information here.

For advice or assistance contact Emma Humphries, NSW/ACT General Manager
