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Nations Spot Secured

Published Thu 29 Aug 2019

Last week Perth sailors Nia Jerwood and Monique de Vries put Australia inside the top six nations to qualify for a country place at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. 39 boats from around the world raced at the Olympic venue Enoshima Yacht Harbour, Tokyo, Japan for the 2019 470 World Championships.

The duo finished ninth overall with a steady top fifteen performance throughout the regatta. This qualifies Australia for an Olympic spot and a likely nomination for the pair. They are following in the path of other great WA Olympic sailors including Gold Medallists Elise Rechici, Tess Parkinson and Belinda Stowell who are all heavily involved with developing these and other young sailors to reach their potential.

Th girls shared on social media last week that it was a gruelling past few days with plenty of curve balls. They thanked their coaches Ruslana Taran and Belinda Stowell, the Australian Sailing Team, Fremantle Sailing Club and everyone at WAIS. The 470 Men duo of Charlwood and Dawson also got a mention as fellow sailors and strong supporters of the pair.

Jerwood and de Vries joined as a team in this Olympic cycle under the guidance of WAIS Head Coach, Belinda Stowell. Both sailors come from successful helming rolls at various times during their 420’s careers over the past few years. They have a goal in mind but fatherly advice from World Champion Nick Jerwood is to ‘experiencing the journey’. Congratulations to the girls and best of luck in their year of preparations. Fellow Australians Matthew Belcher and Will Ryan finished first in the 470 Men World Championships at the same event.

With a Nation place secured for Tokyo 2020 and qualification for the Australian Sailing Team, they have achieve 2 of their campaign goals.

It was a tougher regatta with no racing on the first day, leading to 3 days of 3 races per day in the wonderful conditions of Hayama bay with big waves and swell and some good onshore breezes.

There is more to go to qualify their place on the Australian team for the Olympics but they are many steps closer with the goals achieved in Japan.

Nia and Monique wrote:

“9th overall at the 2019 470 World Championships!!! This week could not have gone much better. We are super stoked to have delivered our best performance so far both under the pressure of selection and at the Tokyo Olympic venue! We have plenty to do between now and the games, we plan to keep pushing every day to improve ourselves and keep accelerating our rate of improvement!”

They are now competing in the pre-Olympic Test event started on 15th of August, with racing commenced on the 17th.

Also from the girls after the last day of fleet racing before the Medal race

“ Just qualified Australia a place at the 2020 Olympic Games in the women’s 470!!!!  It has been a very gruelling past few days with plenty of curve balls thrown our way, we gave it our all performing across the wind range and earning our place in the medal race tomorrow!”

“We have so many amazing people supporting us who we could not have achieved this result without. Thank you to our amazing coaches Ruslana Taran and Belinda Stowell, thank you to Australian Sailing Team, Fremantle Sailing Club and everyone at WAIS. Thank you to our family and friends for your love and support. And a huge thank you to Charlwood & Dawson - AUS 8 for we would not have been able to achieve this without you two!”
