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Marketing with Australian Sailing: Welcome to our Playground

Published Tue 16 Aug 2022

All Australian Sailing  affiliated club and class organisations have access to a variety of pre-made, free and editable marketing resources. These resources can be downloaded from the Australian Sailing Resources website.

Australian Sailing has a promotional campaign for Discover Sailing, titled ‘Welcome to our Playground’ to encourage non-sailors to visit their local club to start their sailing adventure. ‘Welcome To Our Playground’ is a staple in the marketing suite, allowing clubs and class associations to market their offerings as well as promote the sport of sailing more generally.

The #WelcomeToOurPlayground campaign focuses on our major point of difference: our amazing on water locations and natural field of play. The goal is to amplify a simple message: Sailing is a safe, friendly sport which takes place on the most beautiful playground on earth.

There are three specific resources relating to this campaign that have been created specifically for the purpose of club use.

Social Media Template

The social media template is editable and allows for an organisation to insert their own relevant image. Due to this design, the template can be specific to each club or association and therefore showcase the best of what your specific organisation or region has to offer.

To use the template, first download it here, and then insert an image by clicking the add picture icon. Ensure you 'Save as' a JPEG to your files which you can then post on your club’s social media channels.

When posting this template, be sure to give details of your event time and date in your accompanying text and use the hashtag #WelcomeToOurPlayground.

Sample social media tile

Sample social media posts

Poster Template

Similar to the social media template, the Welcome To Our Playground poster template offers clubs a professional and editable option for marketing their club and sailing as a whole. More suited to being printed and displayed around the clubhouse or handed to potential members, the poster template can be downloaded here and allows a club or class association to not only edit the image but the text underneath it as well.

Sample printed poster

Promotional Video

Use the power of video to promote sailing to your local community. Australian Sailing has produced a promotional video for clubs to download and use across your digital channels including social media and website. This video is a fantastic way to attract interest and get people involved, it can be easily shared and showcases the best of what sailing has to offer.

When posting the video to social media, ensure you use accompanying text to shout out what your club has to offer and link back to your website so the audience can get further information.

Click here to download the video.

Screenshot of video


Finally, to encourage new participants at your club Australian Sailing strongly encourages your club to utilize SailPASS.

SailPass is a means by which a non-member can go sailing at your Club – it’s a form of introductory or short-term membership (for a day or several). If your club is not yet using SailPASS please visit this link.

Australian Sailing has also developed brand guidelines and a number of resources to assist your club in promoting SailPass, visit the SailPASS Marketing toolkit via this link.

SailPASS has its own promotional video below that can also be downloaded by participating clubs for display on their website, in venue screens or via social media.

SailPASS Banner

If you have any questions about downloading or using the marketing templates outlined above or SailPASS, please contact the club support staff member relevant to your state.

Keep an eye out for the second installment of the Marketing with Australian Sailing series (featuring Discover Sailing Day) in the next edition of Club News.

