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Mark your calendar! The latest round of VicHealth’s Active Club Grants opens on 31 July

Published Wed 01 Aug 2018

Mark your calendar! The latest round of VicHealth’s Active Club Grants opens on 31 July. The grants have a focus on women’s sport and making getting active fun and accessible for all, by funding programs for women and girls and social or modified sport programs.

Find out more about the grants here:

This year, Active Club Grants focus on prioritising two outcome areas:

Outcome area 1: Female participation:

  • Almost half as many women take part in organised sport compared to men, and women are most likely to stop playing sport as teenagers.
  • There is more momentum in female sport than ever before, but we need to offer more opportunities for women and girls to get involved in sport at the community level.
  • VicHealth funding is available to support clubs to implement initiatives that will engage more women and girls in sport, including establishing new teams, programs or competitions specifically for women and girls.

Outcome area 2: Participation in social and modified forms of sport:

  • Many Victorians are looking for sport opportunities that fit within their lifestyle. Funding is available for clubs to establish a social or modified sport program for less active Victorians.
  • Social sport includes flexible, social and less structured opportunities, with a focus on fun and social interaction. Modified sport includes making changes to sports activities to best suit the needs and abilities of inactive or somewhat active people, and increase the accessibility of activities to a wider audience.