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Jon Sanders completes 11th Solo Circumnavigation

Published Wed 06 Jan 2021

In Bass Strait at night it was cold. Water in the wash-up bucket was cold. I was so cold I slept with extra gear on.

Although cold I thought this weather better than the months and months of tropics. It was hot in the tropics, seriously tropical. I had all the fans going day and night. Hard to make yourself do those extra things. Hot but not much I could do to relieve the heat. The ocean coming across the yacht, at times, meant hatches would be closed.

I do prefer the cooler temperatures. One can put extra clothes on to get warm. I suppose that still is so, but last night was bleak – seriously so. I hear on the radio of the high temperatures in Perth. It’s difficult to imagine, but in the Great Australian Bight its different. Very different here in the middle of summer.

Yesterday morning was nice. Overcast, but not heavy cloud. Wind 7kts behind (south east wind). Motor sailing on course for Albany WA as port of entry.

As the hours wore on, little by little, a wee bit all the time, the wind increased. And by wee bit by wee bit it shifted to the south. Eventually I had a south wind and tad of west.

Heavier cloud. I stopped the engine earlier and took the electric tiller pilot off. I’m now using the wind vane self steerer. The stronger the wind the more and more responsive – better and better. In fact its better than a helmsman because it goes for hours and hours and hours and hours – like a Trojan.

The wind was increasing … South wind on the beam. Rough. Its awkward making a meal.

The sea would choose where to lop in volumes. The forepeak, the centre cabin hatch (it doesn’t leak a drop), the cockpit. Keeps my washing up bucket at flowing over status. I put two washboards in (out of 3) because the sea would splash into the cabin.

The wind is 25/30kts south … on the beam. Thumps now and again as it whacks the boat.

By 11 30pm last night for several hours it was a 32/36kts gale force wind before it moved a bit aft to SSE. I adjusted the steering so to make the yacht near running down wind. Much better, much better. Rain in the night. Cold bleak and windy.

I can adjust steering from the cabin.

I rolled the jib all the way up from a snippet.

In my bunk I am wearing socks, track suit pants, 2 tee shirts, 2 pullovers, a thin wool rug with my Marlow wet weather gear on top. … and I’m still cold!

Morning comes. The wind is 20/25 kts. More rain.

But as I type this I detect less wind. The B & G wind gauge is outside so I am guessing 18/20 kts. SE – down wind … a “Luxury”.

Making good progress towards Albany … unless I get a westerly which will add a day to the passage.

Jon Sanders
