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Instructor, Coach and Official finder and how to make yourself contactable

Published Tue 10 Nov 2020

Australian Sailing qualified instructors, coaches and officials can be searched and contacted without disclosing their personal details via our qualification finder webpage HERE. The main advantage of being contactable on the finder is that clubs and training centres may offer you job opportunities related to your qualification field(s).

For privacy reasons finder searching criteria are limited to:

  • Australian Sailing number
  • Name and/or surname
  • State
  • Qualification

To make yourself contactable, simply access your mySailor profile HERE, click on ‘Alerts’ under ‘My Qualifications’ and tick the ‘Receive Enquiries’ checkbox. This will allow others to communicate with you without disclosing your contact details. Communications will be delivered to you via email. The ability to be contactable can be turned on and off at any time.
