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Guidance to sailing clubs and class associations regarding Coronavirus

Published Thu 19 Mar 2020

Australian Sailing is aware that many of our affiliated clubs and class associations are facing significant challenges in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak. Social distancing is being practised by the population on the advice of the Federal Government, which along with restrictions on group gatherings means many Clubs will have their daily business and sailing operations impacted.

We have been monitoring the situation closely and intend to provide Clubs and Classes with guidance on some of the considerations to assist you on how to make the best decisions in these trying times.

First and foremost, we strongly recommend that your actions are consistent with the advice being given by State and Federal Governments. You can find a list of their relevant websites below, please review them regularly as the situation continues to evolve.

Secondly, we are aware that every club will have its own set of circumstances to address, whether it is to continue club racing, hold a regatta or keep canteens, restaurants or bars open. Clubs and Classes that are racing single handed dinghies may also be acting differently to clubs with larger crews on keelboats. The age profile of volunteers and their availability is also an important consideration.

Whilst the advice regarding the situation will change regularly, at this point in time Clubs and Classes can continue to operate within the guidelines as set out by State and Federal Governments. Our sport is one which can be enjoyed at safe social distances following consideration of on-water and off-water issues for each Club and Class.

The Federal Government recently released COVID-19 guidelines for community sport to combat the spread of COVID-19. We recommend you review the page and consider how to best implement the recommendations for your Club.

Australian Sailing will be contacting Clubs and Classes via the Club News email, so please ensure that your Key Club Contacts are up to date in the RevSport database. We will be updating our website regularly, and any urgent messages will also be broadcast via our social media accounts.

As a guide, here are some of the actions Australian Sailing has taken at this time:

  • All staff are working from home (but continuing business as usual, with landlines diverted to mobile phones)
  • All meetings are being conducted via video/teleconference
  • Cancelling or postponing Australian Sailing regattas and events to the end of April
  • All Australian Sailing courses postponed or cancelled (instructors, coaches, officiating)
  • All interstate and international travel cancelled

To help guide Clubs and Classes through this time, here are some considerations and resources to help you shape your decisions:


  1. Communicate with your members - keep them informed as your situation evolves and changes
  2. Advise all members, staff and volunteers who are showing any type of illness or who have been overseas recently to stay away from the Club
  3. Decide whether to remain open in a limited capacity over winter or close
  4. Consider your volunteers and avoid calling on those that are in higher risk age brackets
  5. Review your plan regularly based on the most recent information. Every indication is that restrictions will affect Clubs and Classes for several months

On water:

  1. Consider the proximity of people on board. As an example, 10 crew on a yacht won’t be able to meet the 1.5 metre social distancing requirements, but a single-handed dinghy will
  2. Make racing non-pointscore. Give competitors the option to attend without a penalty
  3. Regattas/ championships bring large groups of people together - consider postponing or cancelling


  1. Comply with the indoors and outdoors limits. This should include cancelling courses or training activities that have groups of people in the same room for extended periods
  2. Use cashless payments to minimise personal contact
  3. If you decide to continue to operate consider increasing spaces between tables, reduce the number of chairs in canteens/ bars and restaurants
  4. Conduct your committee meetings by video/ teleconference
  5. Increase the frequency of cleaning common areas

Useful links:

Please refer to our website which will list all the most relevant links regarding the COVID-19 outbreak for Clubs and Classes.


Other resources:

For further assistance, please contact your local Regional Manager. They will be able provide guidance to you, with insights from what other clubs and other sports are also doing. We will continue to update you as the situation evolves.
