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Get your club “COVID Ready” for a Return to Sailing

Published Thu 28 May 2020

As restrictions around the country begin to ease we are seeing sports clubs begin to open their doors and welcome participants and members back to their premises.

A number of important toolkits and documents have been published by the Sport Australia, WorkSafe, the Australian Institute of Sport and other state and federal government agencies to help guide clubs through that process. 

In order to re-open in this new environment, clubs and other organisations will be required to make a thorough assessment of their own operations and have their own COVIDsafe Return to Sport Plan. 

To assist sailing clubs specifically, Australian Sailing has developed a guide to help identify and manage the risks in a COVID-19 environment so that they are ready and prepared to re-open. 

Click here to download Australian Sailing's "Return to Sailing in a COVID-Safe Environment" document

The document is designed to be an overarching guide for all clubs, but it is important to note that there are different local requirements for each state and territory. Clubs will need to work to create their own unique plan, as every club will have its' own unique requirements.

There are four elements of a safe return to sport:

  • Plan: Implementing plans, processes and systems to meet government and health requirements, and provide safe sport environments.
  • Prepare: Ensuring safe facility and participant practices, like hygiene practices, attendance registers attendance registers at all club activities and limiting shared equipment as much as possible.
  • Respond: Being prepared for management of a COVID-19 outbreak, noting things can change quickly in your local area.
  • Recover: Consideration of protocols to optimise good public and participant health into the future.

As Public Health Orders are being amended and restrictions eased, it is important to recognise that there is still a health crisis in Australia. COVID-19 is still classified as a pandemic, and we need to remain vigilant to protect the health of the sailing community. Whilst it is good news that we can start to return to sailing, this needs to be done in a considered manner.

Navigating these changes is not a simple exercise and we are continuing to seek practical exemptions and clarification from state governments in order to facilitate a full return to sailing.

If your club needs assistance, please contact your Regional Manager or visit the Australian Sailing COVID-19 Information Hub.

The latest updates for each state can be found in the links below:

