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General Manager – Tasmania Monthly update – February 2023 

Published Thu 09 Feb 2023

The latest updates from Australian Sailing's General Manager – Tasmania – Felicity Allison 

Please click this link to find a copy of all past Tasmanian General Managers Updates. 


I am very excited to be part of the Australian Sailing community as the new General Manager for Tasmania. With my history of sailing, working with various sailing committees and clubs, running regattas and being an active member of the sailing community, this should provide me with a good understanding of how clubs work, what they need with support and how to make things happen! 

I look forward to working with the Tasmanian sailing clubs and sailors and supporting them to continue their great work that they have been doing for so long. This year, I plan to get around to as many clubs as I can to listen and provide support; whether it be information about becoming a Discover Sailing Centre, resources for club programming and policies or how to better engage our sailing community with what is happening in the world of sailing. 


TAS Sailing Summit

Australian Sailing will be holding the Tasmanian Sailing Summit on Saturday the 27 of May. This is the perfect opportunity for all clubs to be there to meet with each other and let us know how we can better support you. I strongly encourage your club to add this date to their calendar so that we can have a time to meet and chat. 

Action Item/s for Club: 


2023 Club Survey 

Australian Sailing has just released our 2023 Club Survey. This is your clubs opportunity to provide feedback on your use of Australian Sailing’s programs, services and support. We request only one response from each club so please ensure you consult with your club committee and respond accordingly.  

The survey has 11 questions and should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete. Individual responses to the survey will remain confidential. 

The survey will be open until 5pm AEST SUNDAY 2nd APRIL. 

Action Item/s for Club: 

  • Please complete the survey


Instructor and Coach Courses for 2023 & e-learning opportunities

Upcoming Instructor and Coach Courses will be online shortly so please let us know if your club is looking to get some of your members qualified.  You can also check out the e-learning opportunities on the AS Resources page   

Action Item/s for Club: 

  • Run a membership report and include qualifications to see who has what in your club 


Schools Teams Racing

Term 1 Schools Teams Racing commences on February 22nd at SBSC. Entries are now open to schools on this link 2023 Term 1 – Hobart School Team Sailing Series.

Once again we are hoping for a good turn out where more than 60 sailors are involved every Wednesday afternoon. State Titles will be held on April 1 and 2. 


Youth Sail Tasmania

It was unfortunate that we had to cancel the 2022 Youth Sail Coaching Clinic and Youth Championships, but we are well underway preparing for the 2023 event.  Dates and venue will be announced soon, so watch our facebook page Australian Sailing - Tasmania | Facebook or the Youth Sail Tasmania webpage  for all the updates. 

Action Item/s for Club: 

  • Start talking to your youth sailors about Youth Sail Tasmania 


Any questions on the above topics please contact the General Manager - TAS, Felicity Allison  

You can find a fill list of Australian Sailing Contacts – here
