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Foil Labs – learn to foil

Published Mon 18 Oct 2021

With the ever-increasing explosion of foiling into the sailing community Australian Sailing is working to develop programs and resources to support sailors and clubs get involved in this new and exciting space.

One of the first initiatives is the development of “Foil Labs” which are day long courses to experience and learn about foiling. Foiling Labs provide a safe space for sailors to learn and interact with new types of sailing experiences and equip themselves with new knowledge to take on new experiences. Sailors will learn the fundamentals that drive a hydrofoils performance, as well learn about the body and physical relationships that offer a path to mastery. Mastering the basics gives more options to have more fun, more often. It also allows sailors to chase performance in a range of modern performance sailing classes in a fun and fulfilling way.

With the support of the Queensland Government Australian Sailing is pleased to be able to offer a limited number of Foil Labs to pilot the program.

We are looking for interested clubs who have an interest in growing foiling classes and could find around 6 intermediate (or higher) sailors aged approx. 14-23. We are looking for these interested clubs to express your interest in hosting a Foil lab between now and the end of June 2022.

Please click here to register your interest.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact either Ben Callard ( or Grant Willmott (
