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Published Thu 15 Oct 2020

Dear Member Club of Yachting Queensland,

Further to our communications earlier in the year regarding the measures to reduce the financial impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on membership fees levied by Yachting Queensland, The Board of Yachting Queensland in coordination with Australian Sailing have made a determination which is outlined below.


In line with previous communications about affiliation fees for 2020/21, the Australian Sailing Board and the MYAs (Including Yachting Queensland) have now completed a review.

Over 200 clubs contributed responses to our survey which has helped inform deliberations. It is clear that the COVID pandemic has affected all clubs to differing degrees.

While some have been forced to cancel races and regattas or close food & beverage operations, others have closed for winter and seen minimal impact to date.

Restrictions have eased in some states but remain in force to varying degrees in others. Membership renewals at clubs are currently underway and how this will be affected by the crisis is not yet fully known.

Australian Sailing’s response to the pandemic has included making substantial cuts to their cost base. They have also sought and received additional government funding and other subsidies (both federal and state).

The federal government JobKeeper program has provided very welcome support which has been factored into this decision making as part of the fee setting process. While this and other grants have contributed to allowing us to lower fees, we are mindful that this is unlikely to be extended beyond this year.

Fees for 2020/21

In order to be fair and equitable to all clubs, AS and the state MYAs have determined to provide a consistent level of fee relief, regardless of state, fee band or type of operations. 

The YQ and AS boards have resolved that Membership fees for 2020/21 will be invoiced at the rate of 50% of the 2019/20 fee amount.

This will not change the methodology of calculating band fees. The 50% discount has been applied at invoicing so that there is no requirement to modify the fee setting policy as adopted by the clubs at our meeting in 2019.

If a club believes that it is continuing to face hardship, the review process  will be available from 1st January 2021. Clubs are encouraged to contact their Regional Manager with any concerns or queries. Clubs wanting to submit a review will need to be able to display that there are significant risks to their ongoing viability or solvency.

Payment and timing

A notification has been sent to clubs individually outlining their fees for 2020/ 21 and payment plan options.

Fees were  invoiced on  1st October 2020.

Fees will be payable from 1st January in 6 equal monthly instalments.

We thank clubs for their patience through this process and we are committed to continuing our support.


Yours faithfully,

Matthew Johnson

President of the Board of Yachting Queensland
