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Exploring WingFOIL

Published Mon 15 Nov 2021

Winging (wing-surfing, wing-foiling or wing-boarding) is a new and exciting sport that can be practiced on land, snow and on water using a handheld wing to harness the power of the wind.  The wing which resembles a windsurf sail is used to generate power to propel a sailor standing on a board. 

In the case of Wingfoiling, when the wing is positioned to generate power, the hydrofoil “lifts” the sailor and board above the water, giving the effect of floating or flying across the water.
Wing sizes vary, enabling the sport to be done in both strong and light wind. It can be done in the oceans, with or without waves, or on flat water such as lakes and rivers, making the sport extremely versatile as to where it can be practiced. 


In the case of Winging over water (wingsurfing or wingfoiling), It is easy and safe to learn, great for the whole family to have fun together and you can grasp the basics of handling the wing on a large Windsurf board or Stand-up paddleboard to begin.

One of the biggest benefits is that no previous water sports experience is needed, however, if you can already sail, windsurf, or kite to a basic level your progression will be accelerated and you will be up and foiling on a wing within 2-3 hours of practice.

Wingfoil competition can be conducted in different disciplines including Slalom, Wave, Freestyle, Downwind, Course Racing and Speed.

The simplicity, affordability, and relative ease of picking up the skill of Wingfoiling, has seen the class explode in popularity over the past year, several clubs around Australia are already including the Wingfoil class within their regular club racing programs, as well as the inclusion into larger national events such as Sail Melbourne taking place in January 2022.

Th equipment and knowledge needed to run wingfoil racing is the same as any off the beach club would already have to deliver its club racing for dinghies and windsurfers. World Sailing have recently implemented a development rule for Wingfoil Racing, as an appendix to the RRS to assist Organising Authorities to run WingFoil Races. 

The World Sailing Development Rule Appendix WF can be found here

Wingfoiling has exploded in popularity in the last few years, in part because its uniqueness and versatility makes it appealing to all sports fanatics, in particular Sailors.
Are you ready to give it a try?  - Stay tuned for the latest Australian Sailing updates regarding Wingfoil opportunities for Clubs which will be developed throughout the next 12 months 
If you want to experience the feeling of foiling, don’t forget to sign into our new FOIL-LABs and learn all about foiling to get ready to fly in 2022!

Image credits - SOPYC
