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Exclusive Premier of SailGP Racing on the Edge

Published Mon 06 Feb 2023

SailGP welcomes you to an exclusive viewing of the newest SailGP episode of Racing on the Edge which will take you behind the scenes of the "world's most exciting racing on water" and how we are building a better future for aspiring athletes and the planet! 

There is a limited capacity of 200 seats for the event so make sure you confirm your place by clicking here: SAILGP | RACE FOR THE FUTURE ON THE BIG SCREEN  

This exclusive never to be seen before episode will be showing on Saturday 11th February at 11am at the Maritime Museum, Sydney. 

SailGP has partnered with the Museum and is offering this as a free experience, aiming to engage as many people throughout the week in the activities at the Museum with an epic SailGP Materials Handling Learning section whereby you can hold an F50 Steering Wheel and see a flight controller up close. 

SailGP members will be on-site and will open the floor to any questions the audience may have in wanting to know more about the up-and-coming racing for the KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix | Sydney 2023. Find more information about the Race Weekend on the SailGP website.
