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End of the Sail CQ Club Challenge 2023-2024

Published Tue 14 May 2024

The end of another year of the Sail CQ Club Challenge! Thank you to all the competitors, host clubs, and volunteers who joined in all the fun at each of the five regattas in the Sail CQ Series – Festival of Sails, All Boats Regatta, Sail Bowen, Sail Airlie & May Day. 

Each regatta had keen sailors and hosts and it is great to see everyone continuing these events in the Central Queensland region.

Although the weather was against it, the final event at Keppel Bay Sailing Club, the May Day Regatta, finally went ahead on Sunday, and everyone enjoyed the Saturday evening meal & presentation night – a nice way to mitigate having to put up with the rain, mist, cold and mud!



  1. Nora Leon Hernandez             
  2. Lucia Fee
  3. Tommy Crone             


  1. Damon Stover, Jenna Madden & Chad Saunders 
  2. Jordy & Andrew Fee
  3. Damian Byrt, Craig Brown, Tim Larkin


  1. Robert Deards
  2. Connor & Russell Harris
  3. Morgan Bridgeman


  1. Gary Smith
  2. Daryl Skinner
  3. Jared Newton

The Most Successful Club was Keppel Bay Sailing Club!

Overall Results        

Overall Competitors - 230
Overall attending Clubs - 20
Regattas Attended per Competitor    
1 Regatta - 101
2 Regattas - 65
3 Regattas - 11
4 Regattas - 12
5 Regattas - 15



