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Drills For Skills – Mixed Ability Groups

Published Wed 22 Feb 2023

How people learn, is as individual as the sailor themselves, as coaches we should be creating learning environments that stretch everyone to learn, and to make sure they have fun, whilst doing it! 

Many coaches at clubs and in class association coaching programs, find themselves with mixed ability groups, below are two suggested sessions that coaches can deliver to develop skills of the whole group by controlling who leads during a training exercise. This will assist to develop confidence in sailors, keep the group together, stretch the better sailors, and allow the less experienced ones to learn from others in the group. 


Session Title: 

Follow on racing (4 or more boats)  

Equipment required:  

3 Marks and a Coach Boat.  


Boats initially start together on the same sequence then after each lap the leading boats are held back to re-group the feet. The race continues for a pre- determined number of laps.  


  • Gives the less able sailors a chance to compete around the whole course.  

  • Keeps the fleet together to encourage boat on boat situations to develop.  

  • Makes the race more challenging for more proficient sailors.  


Set a windward leeward course 200-300meters in length with the start-finish line doubling as a mind course gate. Start the race as normal and get boats to pass through the mid-course gate both upwind and downwind. If a gap has developed hold the leaders back at the gate to re-form the fleet. 


Sending the leader to the back of the fleet each time the pass the gate is another fun way of running mixed ability racing.  

Coaching Points:  

When sailors are next to a sailor of a higher ability ask them to use that time to compare sail set-up, boat balance, trim and technique. They are obviously doing something better so what is it? 


Session Title: 

Split Starts (4 or more boats)  

Equipment required:  

4 Marks and Coach Boat 


A simple way of starting a mixed ability group. The less able sailors start to windward of the advanced group so that they approach the windward mark at the same time. The advanced sailors will have to fight through the dirty air to get to the front of the fleet while others get clear air and the opportunity to lead the race.  


  • To put sailors in unfamiliar situations  

  • To get productive racing out of a group of mixed ability sailors 


Set a windward leeward course approximately 500meters in length with 2 start lines set up, with the windward most line approximately 50meters upwind from the leeward most line. The level of the sailor relative to the group will dictate which line you assign them to. 


Pair the sailors up so that they are matched with another boat on the other line. The winning team will have the best-combined score.  

Coaching Points:  

Pair the sailors to coach each other. This way, the less experienced sailors get instruction from the more advanced, and the more advanced sailors will have to think about what makes them fast and re-enforces their understanding.  


If you have any suggested sessions or drills for any level of sailor that you would like to share with other coaches from across the country, we would love to hear from you, please contact Ian Leeson, National Participation Manager at
