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Down time means gardening time at Darwin Sailing Club

Published Mon 04 May 2020

After the Darwin Sailing Club was forced to stand down their staff in March things were not looking good for the club grounds as gardening was not the highest priority.   A number of green thumbed senior members led by Lindsey Wharton took matters into their own hands.  


They started a watering roster, sourced sponsorship, created a maintenance program, donated potting mix, plants and starting by potting new plants, trimming trees and everything else that needs to be done in a garden after the Wet Season!
The uptake has been bigger than expected as people were looking for ways to get out of their own yard.  Social distancing is adhered to and a roster system ensures that there is never too many people on the club grounds at one time.


Katherine Tree Maintenance now managing green waste at the tip were only too happy to help out donating a few ute loads of premium mulch to get the ball rolling.  And Rob Gordon from Greener Grass fine tuning the clubs retic system” said Lindsey Wharton project leader.  

Numerous members have donated time and potting mix to the cause and most mornings you find at least one of them tinkering in the yard. Making sure the club gardens remain in good order has been taken up with gusto.  It’s great to see members banding together to help do what they can for their local club in trying times.

