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Dinah Beach Wet Season Racing aboard ‘Cleaning Lady’

Published Tue 05 Mar 2019

With a list of 26 keen lady sailors It has never been difficult to engage a crew of six, as most of the girls wish to sail at every opportunity. Many have commented that they enjoy crewing aboard ‘The Cleaning Lady’ because they learn lots whilst having fun.  

The plan has been to take onboard 3 experienced crew and 3 novice or ‘up-and-coming’ lady sailors, some of whom haven’t had much experience at all.  We try to swap roles around on-board so that people learn the ropes from the different areas of the boat.  Even as skipper, I do not helm every race, and this has been shared by 3 other ladies. I also try to get one of the less experienced ladies to take the helm when not racing, on our cruise to the start line and home again to Cullen Bay. The 3 experienced crew coach the less experienced ladies, and share sailing skills, sailing technology and sailing language (which has been rather amusing).

We encourage the girls to come down to the Presentation at DBCYA after racing to meet other skippers and crews.  This has led to some of the ladies being offered crewing positions on other boats.

Sailing in the Wet Season has produced a variety of weather conditions from sailing/drifting in no breeze to hanging on for grim death in 30 knot thunder and lightening squalls with limited visibility.  Despite these adverse conditions, those onboard during those days have returned to sail again with us.

‘The Cleaning Lady’ herself is a grand old lady of the sea, and with her vast age, it has not all been smooth sailing with the maintenance.  Luckily we have a small kitty (from our winnings and a few extra $’s per week from the $5/pp cost) which has enabled us to do the minor repairs which have ranged from replacing a sheet or two, mending a sail or two, and repairing a few other items.  Unfortunately at the moment she has an engine problem, which Fred, the owner, is hoping to sort out for us before the next race.

With seven races behind us and three to go, I wish to report that this opportunity has been incredibly worthwhile.  Personally, I have enjoyed the whole experience of being Skipper and Coordinator, which has enabled me to also gain confidence and learn so much from the other sailors, both our competitors and the other women on board. 

More information about Wet Season Series

Words: Fiona McManus

