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COVID-19 Regions for Community Sport - Updated 1 October 2020

Published Wed 07 Oct 2020

Since the announcement by the NSW Government on the 19th August of the NSW restrictions for community sport, Australian Sailing has been advocating for a sailing specific solution to the restrictions which unfairly inhibited participation at sailing clubs in NSW.

Over the last 5 weeks, Australian Sailing’s President Daniel Belcher, CEO Ben Houston, COO David Edwards and Regional Manager Carl Webster have met with representatives from the NSW Office of Sport and the NSW Sports Minister's Office to advocate for the early relaxation of the restrictions on community sport. We presented to the NSW Government that our sport is not like traditional field-based sports, in that it is relatively low risk and does not deserve to be unfairly penalised by the restrictions.

We are pleased to see the easing of restrictions and Australian Sailing would like to acknowledge the support and contribution of the Honourable Gabrielle Upton, Member for Woollahra for her support in advocating for sailings position on this issue with the responsible Ministers. We would like to thank Richard Hudson, Chair of the NSW Regional Advisory Committee, for his work on this issue.

We have escalated the issue to the NSW Health Minister's Office and have written to the NSW Chief Medical Officer and will continue to advocate to secure a workable solution to any future restrictions imposed on the activities of NSW sailing clubs.
