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Clubs Take to the Virtual Waters for Zhik Australian Sailing eSailing National Challenge.

Published Tue 05 May 2020

While sailing as we know it is on pause during COVID-19 restrictions, now is the time embrace eSailing on Virtual Regatta.  Clubs across Australia have taken to the virtual waters in preparation for the upcoming Zhik Australian Sailing eSailing National Challenge.


Lake Jindabyne Sailing Club (LJSC) in the New South Wales Snowy Mountains was one of the first clubs to begin eSailing club racing.  Sitting at an elevation of 915 metres and right next to Perisher, LJSC is one Australia’s highest sailing clubs.

Alistair Cross heads up the club’s training and said 2020 had been a tough year for the club. “We already have a short sailing season due to our location but we’ve had a really challenging time this summer with the bushfires.  Thankfully the fires were 30kms away and bang COVID-19 happened.”

The small club has 81 members and impressively grew their junior membership from zero to ten in the past year.  Cross said eSailing has been a great way to teach theory while they can’t be on the water.  “With the eSailing they get all the up wind stuff easier than on water and it’s a great graphic demonstration of the rules.  My daughter said she learned more while eSailing than she has in the whole year!”

“One of the surprising things we have liked is racing sailors from different classes.  It’s lovely to be racing guys you would never normally race.  We’ve got guys who are 60 plus and kids around 10 and they are all mixing it up. The juniors are at the front end of the fleet. It’s kept the camaraderie up.”

Another club getting into eSailing is Darwin Sailing Club (DSC).  The club have been live streaming their races on Facebook for spectators to enjoy.

Organiser Tom Griffiths said there has been an odd mix of sailors competing.  “The Vice Commodore Matt and a younger club employee are getting into it. We live streamed Zoom to talk to each other at the same time.  A young sailor beat us convincingly.”

“I don’t play a lot of computer games normally,” Griffiths said. “The name choices of some competitors has impressed me.  Our moth sailor goes by mothballs online.”

Clubs around Australia are invited to host their own Virtual Regatta club championships, with one club champion proceeding to the next stage of the challenge. Friday is to final day to get your club entered in the Zhik Australian eSailing National Challenge.  For more information head to
