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Club Survey 2022 Has Launched

Published Mon 21 Mar 2022

Australian Sailing wants to hear from our clubs in the 2022 Club Survey.

Our affiliated clubs make a significant investment in Australian Sailing and the support we offer clubs. Our Club Survey is the clubs' chance to have their voices heard on how we are delivering against their needs and expectations, and the feedback we receive from the Club Survey helps shape the support and services we offer clubs in the future. The survey also seeks feedback on Sailing 2032: The Strategic Plan for Australian Sailing 2022-2032.

The survey has been sent to two key contacts from each club (Commodore and one other key club contact as listed in RevSport). We urge clubs to take time to discuss their responses with any relevant members of your club committee and then submit one response on behalf of your club.  Where there are multiple responses from the same club we will only measure the feedback from the first response.

The survey has 11 questions should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete. Individual responses to the survey will remain confidential.

Feedback will be aggregated and results will be communicated at this year’s Club Conferences along with the actions being taken as a result of the feedback.

The survey will be open until 5pm AEST SUNDAY 24th APRIL.
