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Australian Sailing Participation and Membership Strategy

Published Wed 15 Jun 2022

The Australian Sailing 2032 Strategic Plan sets a long-term vision for the sport and outlines what the organisation hopes to achieve between 2022 and 2032. The plan sets out the key projects we will deliver to meet those goals, one of which is the Participation and Membership Strategy which is currently in development. 

With a long-term plan in place, the Participation and Membership Strategy will guide the organisation and the sport in the shorter-term, identifying manageable projects and goals for participation and membership growth over the next two years. 

Under the Grow pillar of our strategy, the Participation and Membership Strategy will implement initiatives to increase the number of people engaging in Sailing at all levels, in all roles and in all environments. 

The strategy will focus on a timeline of what Australian Sailing aims to do through 2022-2024 to grow and support participation and membership. Included in the strategy will be practical recommendations for clubs and classes to action. 

Please stay tuned to the Club News section of your State’s page on the Australian Sailing website and the monthly Club News eNewsletter for more updates on the Strategy and how it will be delivered to Clubs and Classes. 
