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Advertise Your Club and Class Major Events on the Australian Sailing e-calendar

Published Wed 23 Sep 2020

Getting media exposure to your club and class major events is important for participation on all levels.

The Australian Sailing e-calendar is a great way to bring your event to the attention of the sailing community. It offers a single source approach to obtaining event dates, venue, contacts and ability to register online.

Frequent users of the calendar include spectators/ online supporters, media reporters, competitors, volunteers and officials. Most of these are looking for relevant information pertaining to racing spanning from inter-club to International Championships within Australia.

To add your event to the Australian Sailing calendar you firstly need to set up the event in your revSPORT portal (instructions can be found here). Afterwards you can request Australian Sailing to add your event to the national calendar by following the related guide here. The event approval process is mainly based on event level (club/class, state, national, international) and number of participants. If your application is successful your event will display in the Australian Sailing e-calendar here under the regatta category at the top (select ‘regatta’ and click ‘search’).

It is recommended by Australian Sailing to include any major events in the e-celendar as early as possible to gain prolonged media exposure. We also suggest that your event online registration pages not only contain competitor and venue information but also links (or contacts) for volunteer and Officials registration.

Australian Sailing hopes that this guide proves to be useful to your class or club in improving event visibility, registration and volunteering.

For further assistance or questions please contact your State Club Services Officer:

Northern Territory   NSW/ACT    Queensland 
South Australia    Tasmania  Victoria    Western Australia
