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Abrolhos Islands?

Published Tue 02 Jun 2020

Unfortunately, this week’s column is being written from my lounge room instead of Bali, where we we’re supposed to be after the completion of the Fremantle to Bali 2020. With WA Premier Mark McGowan declaring the regional boarders open again as of yesterday, sailing and life is slowly returning to normal. International borders, however, are another story and in the realm of crystal ball gazing.

WA Clubs are tentative about mass gatherings and the inevitable mingling at presentations and results. This hasn’t stopped some of the diehard sailing fans who have been Claytons Racing. The race you have when not really racing. Skippers and crew within the confines of the river and stretching out into the Cockburn Sound have found ways and the likeminded to hit the water over the last few days and weeks.

So, what’s happened to Bali 2020? The Fremantle Sailing Club has tentatively rescheduled their international race into 2022 and have ideas for an Exmouth Race in mid-2021. Which leaves the next big miles race to stretch your keels with the South of Perth Yacht Club. SoPYC has an expression of interest out on their website this week for an inaugural Batavia Coast Race Week which includes a circumnavigation around the Abrolhos. The Houtman Abrolhos is made up of three island groups, the Wallabi Group, Easter Group and Pelsaert Group. The race will commence in Fremantle in October and finish in Geraldton after a clockwise rounding of the Abrolhos.

After the historic Dirk Hartog Race in 2016 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Dirk Hartog’s landing at Cape Inscription, SoPYC needs your feedback to hold the first lap of the Abrolhos race. The half century relationship between a city and regional club continuing, the Geraldton Yacht Club once again looks forwards to hosting the weary sailors in their newly refurbished clubhouse this October.

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