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2023 Club Survey

Published Thu 09 Feb 2023

Australian Sailing invites you to participate in our 2023 Club Survey.

As one of our affiliated clubs you make a significant investment in Australian Sailing and the support we offer you and your club. Our Club Survey is your chance to have your voice heard on how we are delivering against your needs and expectations, and the feedback we receive from the Club Survey helps shape the support and programs we offer clubs in the future. 

An email has recently been sent to all key contacts from your club (Commodore, General Manager and committee members as listed in RevSport). We urge you to take time to discuss your responses with any relevant members of your club committee and then submit one response on behalf of your club.

The survey has 11 questions and should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete. Individual responses to the survey will remain confidential.

Feedback will be aggregated and results will be communicated at this year’s Sailing Summits along with the actions being taken as a result of the feedback.

The survey will be open until 5pm AEST SUNDAY 2nd APRIL.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the General Manager for your state.
