Ownership changes - Re-Registration is for changing the Ownership of a boat which has already has a validated certificate for the current rating year.
Measurement Changes
The revalidation online form will require any measurement changes made since the last IRC certificate was issued, to be declared and must be certified by an official IRC Measurer.
The IRC has modified the rules concerning spinnaker poles, bowsprits and flying headsails. Owners are required to declare the additional information for revalidation.
To contact an Australian Sailing IRC official measurer, please click on the IRC Measurer contact list
Vessel changes input: by selecting Yes, you are declaring that you have made changes to the vessel since its last IRC certificate.
Any difference between your latest IRC certificate and the current configuration of the vessel is consider a change. This includes switching back to different sails or to a previous boat configuration. Failing to declare the correct data may incur in additional fees (amendment fees).
Please download the IRC Measurement Input sheet below and make sure that all new data are endorsed by an Australian Sailing accredited IRC Measurer.
Download the IRC Measurement Input sheet
File Upload: before uploading the file with the changes, save it on your computer with the Boat Name. Now it is ready to be uploaded in the below section.