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Race Officer - Mark Layer Online Course

Recommended length
3.0 hours

Australian Sailing has developed an online Mark Layer course for the education and accreditation of its members.

Development of the course stemmed from a need for accessible information with regards to the correct procedures for laying marks and setting a race course. It is suitable for club volunteers looking to gain knowledge about mark laying at the grass roots level through to mark laying for regattas.

Australian Sailing is eager to see clubs and individuals use this free education to bolster the knowledge and skills of Race Officials around the country.The Online Course may be used by clubs in combination with in-house practical training for effective learning.

It is recommended you read and become familiar with the Racing Rules of Sailing. A general knowledge of the rules will be essential to efficiently completing the course.

Registration in the Canopi platform will also be required to complete this course. First time users will need to register and enroll in Canopi before being able to access the course. Both registration and enrollment to this course are free of charge and can be accessed through the following link:

You can register for this course via the RACE OFFICER - MARK LAYER ONLINE COURSE LINK

Once enrolled, learning may be completed at your own pace. Logging in and out of the course is possible with the ability to save your completed work each time you study.

Upon completion of all course modules you will be processed by Australian Sailing and registered in the national database as a Race Officer - Mark Layer. This qualification will be visible on your MySailor profile.

If you have any further queries regarding the online Race Officer - Mark Layer course, please contact Australian Sailing via

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