Qualification finder

Qualification Finder

To check the status of a qualification or find someone who holds a qualification, enter their relevant details in the search fields provided.

Status explanations:


The qualification is within the accreditation period (not expired). Note: prerequisites (if applicable) need to also be current in order for an Instructor to be able to be assigned to a course. You can check the status of prerequisites by clicking on the VALIDITY button next to a qualification.

Prerequisite Status explanations:

  • CURRENT: The prerequisite qualification is current (valid).
  • COMPLETED: The prerequisite course has been completed.
  • NOT VALID: The prerequisite qualification is not valid.
  • NOT COMPLETED: The prerequisite course has not been completed.
EXPIRED: The qualification has expired.
INACTIVE: The annual Qualification Renewal Fee has not been paid.
Click the button for information on updating a qualification, reaccreditation and qualification prerequisites.

This search functionality produces a maximum of 100 results. If you are looking for a specific qualification holder please enter their; AS Number, First name or Last name to decrease the results displayed.