We have a number of officials courses scheduled for NSW. Please make sure you register for these courses. Registrations for all courses close one week prior to the event
The 2018 Yacht Club Managers Forum, a national networking group of Australia’s leading yacht clubs, will be held on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane, Queensland, over three days from 4-6 June, 2018.
Notice of Yachting Victoria Incorporated Special General Meeting. In accordance with the Yachting Victoria Constitution only registered delegates may vote at the meeting.
Twenty-one entries representing Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, NSW, Western Australia and the Northern Territory have already been received by Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron (RMYS) for the 28th Australian Women’s Keelboat Regatta (AWKR) to be held from 9-11 June, 2018, and open to entries from Australia and overseas.
The annual Club Marine Pittwater to Paradise Regatta appeals to owners from the Sydney catchment area and beyond with boats from regional New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and New Zealand represented in previous editions.