
New Child Safe Standards set to Better Protect Children

The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards (Standards) that will come into effect on 1 July 2022. The Commission for Children and Young People (the Commission) will be delivering a webinar on Monday 11 October 5.00 – 6.00pm as part of the series of webinars for the Australian Sailing Victorian Club Conference.
VIC VIC Club News

Victorian COVID-19 update

Australian Sailing has been provided with further advice in relation to sailing activities during the current lock down period.  The intent of this lock down is to restrict unnecessary movement to prevent the spread of the virus.
VIC Club News VIC COVID-19

Australia Day Nauti Weekend

Preparations are well underway at Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron for a weekend of free on water fun for all comers.    Each day of varied family friendly activities will be followed by social events which promise to add to the atmosphere.    

OutThere Sailing over the Easter holidays

After a successful first summer being piloted through eight Victorian clubs, the new OutThere Sailing program returns these Easter holidays offering a new round of exciting on water fun!

Yarrawonga's Anzac Regatta

It's big- it's 2 days of cruising and 3 days of racing at Victoria's premier inland sailing venue. It's Yarrawonga Yacht Club's Anzac regatta.

First entries in for 29th Australian Women’s Keelboat Regatta

Entries are open for Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron’s (RMYS) 29th Australian Women’s Keelboat Regatta (AWKR) and Victorian competitors are throwing down the gauntlet; many will come fresh from competing in the 2018/19 Port Phillip Women’s Championship in Melbourne, ending on Sunday 28 April – and two have been quick to enter.
VIC SheSails