
2021 Victorian Junior Carnival

Mornington Yacht Club is hosting the fourth Victorian Junior Carnival on Saturday 13th February 2021. This new carnival is designed to be a fun event to promote the transition of young children from learn to sail programs to lifelong sailing.
Vic Club News VIC Youth Victoria

Victorian Roadmap for reopening

Australian Sailing is working with State Government to represent our clubs and allow the resumption of sailing as soon as possible. It is being reported on social media that the following water based activities have been removed from the list of restricted activities in Metro Melbourne.
VIC Club News COVID-19

COVID-19 Victorian Update

The Victorian Premier has announced changes to Melbourne’s restrictions as well as changes to regional restrictions for at least the next six weeks until Sunday 13 September.
VIC Club News COVID-19

Victorian COVID update

Sunday the 21st of June saw key restrictions eased and others continued. Australian Sailing continues to work with the Victorian Government to gain clarity on the interpretation of these restrictions and to put sailing at the fore front of their mind.
VIC Club News COVID-19

COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria

Australian Sailing is working with a number of government agencies to gain clarity around the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria starting at midnight Tuesday the 12th May. We are also working on back to sailing and work protocols that will help guide clubs through the easing of restrictions.
VIC Club News COVID-19