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Fundraising the ASF Way

The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is Australia’s leading non-profit sports fundraising body. ASF has been helping athletes, clubs, and organisations fundraise for over 30 years and is the only organisation in Australia to have Deductible Gift Recipient status for sport. This means any donation of $2 or more is tax-deductible.
QLD Club News QLD

Play by the Rules

Did you know that Play by the Rules (PBTR) is a unique collaboration between Sport Integrity Australia, Sport Australia, the Australian Human Rights Commission, all state and territory departments of sport and recreation, all state and territory anti-discrimination and human rights agencies, the Office of the Children's Guardian (NSW) and the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW? This makes it the first port of call for sailing organisations for information on discrimination, harassment, and child p
QLD Integrity

RPAYC WASZPs at the Queensland State Championships

The WASZP Queensland State Championships were held over the weekend of 28-29 Oct. Expertly hosted by the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, the event was a great success with 16 year old North Queensland sailor, Nicholas Dunne, winning and retaining his state championship title.